Tongue Suspension FAQ’s

Where is the surgery?

It is normally performed at a hospital and an overnight stay is recommended.

Will my speech be impaired?

Usually you can expect some temporary difficulty with pronunciation and other tongue movements. However, long term, speech impairment has not been a problem.

How will this affect my sleep apnea?

The addition of tongue suspension does increase the success rate of surgery for sleep apnea. The tongue suspension prevents the tongue from falling back when you sleep and therefore keeps the airway open.

Can the procedure be reversed?

Yes. Simply by releasing the suture in the tongue.

How long will I be out of work?

Approximately 4 days recovery will be needed. However, most patients have this in combination with UPPP Surgery, which requires 10 days recovery.

Post Operative Instructions

Gargle with salt water after meals for 10 days after the surgery to keep the incision clean.

Metropolitan ENT